More Festivals and New Music!


All sorts of music news in this episode! Ryan reviews a trip to The Deck in Muskegon. Grand Rapids approves a new amphitheater downtown. Several bands have new songs out, including Old Mountain Acid Test, The Gasoline Gypsies, Jesse Ray and the Carolina Catfish, Pink Sky, and Patty PerShayla.

We also chat about July and August's music festivals in Michigan.

7/20-22 - Beaver Island Music Festival (Beaver Island)

7/22 - Walk The Beat (White Lake)

7/21-22 - Dunesville Music Festival (Interlochen)

7/21-23 - The Hiawatha Traditional Music Festival (Marquette)

7/21-23 - Northern Lights Music Festival (Escanaba)

7/28-30 - Tamarac Music Festival (Morely)

7/28-30 - Wild Thyme Music Festival (Allegan)

7/28-8/5 - Baroque on Beaver (Beaver Island)

8/3-5 - Shagbark Music and Arts Festival (formerly CowPie) (Alaska)

8/4-6 - Gratetful Bear Campout (Trufant)

8/12 - Walk the Beat (Grand Haven)

8/19-20 - Breakaway Music Festival (Grand Rapids)

8/25-27 - Hollerfest (Brooklyn)

8/26 - Burning Foot Music Festival (Muskegon)

Check out the Mitten Music Playlist! for Michigan based music.


Album Reviews: Derek Randall + Sponge


Mr Denton on Doomsday